Premium netsuite reporting & analytics

Take your NetSuite investment to the final level with  C Level's premium data lakehouse and reporting package.  Not only does our solution bring out the best in NetSuite, it is designed to realize the dream of being data driven.  Prebuilt and bringing the latest technology to bare, you'll be ready to power better business decisions while also stepping into the future with advanced machine learning capabilities.

NetSuite Data Warehouse


white glove deployment

White Glove Deployment

With C Level we only accept the best talent and it shows when we deliver. We make the deployment of our highly customized solutions as easy as possible and with the care and attention you expect.

Power BI Reporting Package

Reporting Package

Everything you need to get started. Our out of the box reporting and analytics package covers: Order to Cash, Record to Report, Procurement, & Manufacturing.





Our reporting package gets you started but we know every business is different and has special needs. That's why we build in customization to every solution we deploy.


Near Real Time Options

Near Real Time Options

Our ambition is nothing less than building a single version of business truth for our customers. Whether it is looking down from high strategically or examining tiny pieces of your business, C Level has you covered.

Business Playback

Business Playback

Do you currently have visibility into the way things were or just how they are now? Many of our solutions offer business rewind and playback features that provide unprecedented historical visibility into how your business looked during at a specific time.

Data Sharing

External Data Sharing

Another very exciting feature of your platform is the easy and secure methods of sharing data externally with customers, vendors, and employees. Data sharing has never been this powerful or easy.

cutting edge tech

the data platform of the world's best companies

There is a reason some of the world's top companies are utilizing the Databricks Lakehouse platform to house all of their enterprise data.  It brings together data analysts, data engineers, data scientists, and machine learning engineers together to provide a platform to create enormous business value and insight.

Learn more about Databricks.

Databricks Customer Stories

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The #1 data visualization platform

Not your garden variety NetSuite partner, we have a "Solution Provider" partnership with Oracle NetSuite, the most exclusive club. On top of that broadband is a huge focus of ours and has been since the company was founded 7 years ago. We understand that ERP systems (like NetSuite) are not the whole picture and are part of a larger vision that must include broadband specific BSS/OSS systems and more.

Different Netsuite Partnership Types
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Design is everything

Design is everything

Many technical people can build a technical data solution but few can make it work for business. It takes business understanding to design solutions for business and most designers do not have the the business acumen it takes to deliver world class business intelligence solutions.

Visibility for miles

Visibility for miles

Our ambition is nothing less than building a single version of business truth for our customers. Whether it is looking down from high strategically or examining tiny pieces of your business, C Level has you covered.

Ready for all your data

Ready for all your data

All kinds of data from structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. It doesn't matter. Traditional database data, text files, photos, videos, and everything in between all can be utilized for analytics and machine learning. This is the beauty and innovation of the Data Lakehouse platform that is Databricks.


business data engineering as a service

Data is what we do and we know how to derive business value from it.  Our data engineers and analyst bring the technical data skills but what makes us different is our business acumen.  With our data engineering support plans you get data pros on demand that fits your budget.

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